Time Management

Be honest, how many times have you ever wished that there were simply more hours in a day? Have you ever wondered where the week has gone and you don’t feel like you have really achieved anything? And if you consider yourself ‘organisationally-challenged’ then this 2-day training course is just what you need as the ability to manage your time and yourself is a skill that can be learned, practiced and perfected!

Did you know that South African employees are considered to be the most stressed in the world and stress has been labeled as the “disease of the 21st-century”? And if you are feeling overwhelmed with the demands of your job, the chances are that your stress levels are equally as high. There are only so many hours in a day so the goal of time management is not to find more time but to figure out how best to use the time you have!

  •   Do you ever get frustrated by your lack of time management skills?
  •   Do you ever wonder where the week has gone and feel like you actually haven’t achieved anything?
  •   Do you find yourself coming into work early and staying late on a regular basis?
  •   Are you always putting tasks off until tomorrow?
  •   Is your To-Do list growing longer and not shorter?
  •   Are you struggling to fit everything you need to do in your life?
  •   Do you often miss deadlines?
  •   Are you often late for appointments?

…if you have answered YES to two or more of the above questions then you have to attend this practical training course! Time Management will show you how to get organised by exploring proven time-saving  techniques that you can use to get more out of your day

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