With the right training, you can produce professional and polished technical and safety-focused reports that are quick and easy to read and understand. So, you recognise that having better technical report writing skills is vital to your safety career. But you are worried that this is going to be 2 days of boring lectures. Don’t worry – unlike other generic report writing courses available, we have gone out of our way to design a training programme that is engaging, interactive but above all else practical for safety professionals!
By attending this 2-day course you’ll learn, step-by-step, how to shape your thoughts and structure, draft and write clear and concise technical reports about any safety-related subject that requires a detailed technical explanation, diagram, chart, as well as jargon that needs to be understood by technical and non-technical readers alike.Our approach to this training course is to use a detailed safety-focused case study to teach you, the technical report writer how best to present technical safety information to the readers of your report so that they understand the concepts and can apply them in their work. This course is not intended to explain technical subjects to non-technical readers or report writers. The course will also cover in detail the skills required to explain any concepts to non-technical readers using clear, straight-forward, simple explanations.