Samantha Reyneke

Legal Expert Specialising in the use of JBCC and GCC Contracts with Special Interest in the area of Dispute Resolution

Samantha Reyneke completed her LLB degree at the University of Pretoria in 2009, she then commenced her legal career at the Competition Commission of South Africa as a Graduate Trainee in 2010 before joining Fasken (then Bell Dewar) in 2011 where she completed her articles in 2013. She worked at Fasken for nine years, initially in the Antitrust/Competition and Marketing team and subsequently joined the Litigation and Dispute Resolution and Construction team in 2014. Currently, Samantha is a Director at NSDV, where she has been working for the past four years, in the construction and dispute resolution department.

She has developed and specialises in a holistic approach towards asset management and seeks the underlying true definition of maintenance and asset management – that both processes are in simplest terms no more that the art of successfully matching people to equipment and other assets within an organisation. And she has developed a reputation for combining tried and tested techniques with innovative new ideas to target change management, strategy, and strategic cost leadership from both an operations and maintenance perspective using real-life examples and experience to communicate these concepts. She is experienced in the bespoke construction contracts as well as on all the standard form contracts, with a particular interest in the use of the JBCC and GCC and has arbitrated in terms of both AFSA and the Association of Arbitrators Rules as well as the ICC and UNCITRAL Rules for Arbitration.

Her experience includes acting for various clients in the construction industry on the various construction contracts including acting for the Main Contractor against Subcontractors in adjudications on luxury game farm disputes, for the Contractor against the Subcontractor on a construction guarantee dispute, a multinational escalator and elevator company in multiple disputes, the Main Contractor against suppliers on disputes relating to latent defects, a Subcontractor against a Contractor on disputes on the Kusile Power Station, a Subcontractor against the Main Contractor in various disputes on the Medupi and Kusile Power Stations, assisting a leading local construction company in various construction disputes and assisting various clients in the commercial management of their projects on a day-to-day basis.

Added to all of this, she has an Advanced Certificate in Construction Contract Law and a Certificate in Competition Law from her alma mater, the University of Pretoria and she has successfully completed the Association of Arbitrators (Southern Africa) NPC (“the Association”)’s Fellowship Admission Course and is a Fellow member of the Association and eligible for nomination or appointment as arbitrator and adjudicator. Samantha also serves on the Management Committee of the Association.

As a result of her extensive experience, and her interest in dispute resolution and coupled with her current client requirements, all of these factors make Samantha an ideal Alusani® Course Leader, she says,“ many disputes and issues arise from the complexities of the contracts and I believe that prevention is better than cure, so dispute avoidance should begin as early as possible. This is why any construction contract needs to be carefully drafted and well managed to avoid exposing your organisation to severe financial penalties and turning a potentially profitable project into a loss-making one! So, in order to enhance project outcomes and foster a positive working relationship, a sound contract is vital and all risk factors that can be eliminated, should be. Because of my client base I work extensively every day with both the JBCC Suite of Contracts and the GCC, so all of my courses will teach you how to use both of these contracts in a real-world construction environment.”

To bring Samantha Reyneke to your organisation, please contact us on +27 11 447 7470 or email

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