Prevention and Detection of Procurement and Contract Fraud

“The field of public purchasing has been a battleground for corruption fighters.  It is in public purchasing that most of the ‘grand corruption’occurs with much of the damage visibly inflicted upon the development process in poorer countries and countries in transition.”

Source – The Global Programme against Corruption, UN Anti-Corruption Toolkit

The above quote is very applicable to the current situation we find ourselves in, in South Africa. The media is littered daily with stories that highlight the continual issue of ongoing procurement and contract fraud within the public sector.

As you know the National Treasury issued new tender rules and regulations  in a bid to fight fraud within the public sector but the cold hard fact is that they have had little effect and corruption, at any level has devastating effects on the poorest of the poor.

Corruption in the form of contract and purchasing fraud costs the South African government millions of Rands each year.  And although there are key pieces of legislation, like the PFMA, MFMA, Treasury regulations as well as SCM frameworks to ensure that all procurement systems within government are efficient, fair, transparent and equitable – the frustrating question is why does it still happen and what can we do to stop procurement fraud from happening at every stage of the contracting process?

So, this is a straight-forward and no-nonsense course that cuts to the chase!  In order to maximise the learning experience, we will use a case study of an actual investigation to highlight the key learning points in each module.  In addition we will use a combination of explanations, group exercises and discussions all Course Participants will gain both a theoretical and practical grounding of the modules covered.

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