Presentation Skills for Engineers, Scientists & Technical Professionals

MYTH – You think that because you are an Engineer, Scientist or Technical Professional that presentation skills come naturally to you…wrong! Although you are most probably very well versed in the technical nature of your particular subject, but this does not automatically make you a dynamic presenter! It is all too often that a good message is lost simply because of poor delivery.

The reality is that technical presentations are very different from ‘regular’ or marketing-focused presentations simply because you have to convey much more detailed and often complex information – including technical data.

And with today’s tech savvy audiences becoming more and more sophisticated, sloppy presentations simply won’t do and in fact they do more of a disservice to the message you are trying to get across.  A poor presentation can also severely damage your reputation and credibility leaving you a laughing stock…and who wants that?

This 2-day training course is specifically geared towards Engineers, Scientists & Technical Professionals who are often expected to explain complex and technical information to audiences in a compelling way. Trough practical scenarios and examples, this course will teach you how to give your audience the information they need without boring them or killing them with techno-babble.

It has also been designed in such a way to be as practical and as interactive as possible. So, no matter if you are preparing for your very first presentation or if you’ve given hundreds, this course will help you to improve your technical presentation skills as well as mastering the tools and techniques that will give your presentations impact and flair.

In a nutshell we can guarantee that by attending this 2-day Presentation Skills for Engineers, Scientists & Technical Professionals training course that you will develop powerful presentation skills and your audience won’t forget you…or your technical presentation in a hurry!

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