Practical & Professional Confidence & Assertiveness Skills

How comfortable are you with really giving your opinion and speaking up – even when the rest of your colleagues
strongly disagree with you?

When you leave a meeting do you want to kick yourself for not speaking up and do you promise yourself that it will be different next time? Does this situation sound familiar…the real question is why is it always put off until next time and why are you scared to take the bull-by-the-horns and say what you really think?

Asserting yourself is not always easy, in actual fact is can be really really hard. So, it is not surprising that assertiveness was recently rated in a global study by 80% of the managers surveyed as the Number 1 career advancing factor.

Confidence and assertiveness aren’t an option for success-minded managers – they are must-have skills!

Take charge of your own career path and make sure that you are getting everything out of your work that you want. Empower yourself, be bold and brave and take the next step – because by registering for this 2-day interactive training course you will learn the skills that you need to successfully master the must-have communication competencies of promotable managers.

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