Subcontractors carry out important portions of building and construction work – so this means that the use of the JBCC Nominated/Selected Subcontract Agreement (or as it better known the N/S Subcontract Agreement) is widespread throughout the South African construction industry, or it should be!
And as today’s building projects become more complex, Subcontractors really do need to understand all of the implications of the agreements that they enter into and sign.
But on the flipside, with many Subcontractors so hungry for work – there are also cases whereby work is started without having a formal agreement in place. Whilst this sounds crazy…it is a very real problem and the world of subcontract agreements in the South African contracting environment is extremely murky.
Not having a proper contract in place, or worse, not even a copy of the one you signed places you at enormous risk of losing your rights.
In addition to this, more often than not changes or modifications drafted in-house to the JBCC N/S Subcontract Agreement by the Employer have consequences and results that are in fact quite different from those that were originally intended. These changes or modifications may be prejudicial and they can often impose (unknowingly) an enormous amount of additional risk on either or both parties.
A lot of Subcontractors also complain that they are subject to unfair practices and even bullying tactics by some Main Contractors.
That is where this training course comes in as we focus purely on the JBCC N/S Subcontract Agreement and zone in on key contract conditions as well as the rights and obligations of all the parties including how the risks are allocated. We will also cover the administrative requirements, dealing mostly with payments that tend not to be issued within the time limits specified in the contract which in turn often results in a Subcontractor’s worst nightmare…late or no payments – sometimes with unfair deductions.
Most training courses give you countless ideas and text book theories that really have no real world application. This course is different and you will instantly build your skills set as you will learn practical tips and techniques that you can use immediately when you get back to work. Using interactive discussions as well as a series of real-life JBCC-focused case studies, you will leave this training course with a clear understanding of all of the parties’ rights and responsibilities when executing and performing the JBCC N/S Subcontract Agreement.
We will also cover in detail all of the issues that can arise during the subcontracting process and you will leave the training course with the knowledge and confidence when dealing with these issues in the future, no matter if you represent the Subcontractor, the Employer, Consultants or the Main Contractor.