Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment & Control Procedures for Construction

It’s no secret that prevention is your best line of defence when it comes to dealing with injuries and accidents…but they still happen and sadly it is a fact of life on any construction project! The reality is that it is a pretty tall order to start a construction project and finish it without a single accident or incident.

It is because of this fact that Government has revised the 2003 Construction Regulations and promulgated the 2014 updated Construction Regulations which have such significant and far-reaching consequences to the actual application of the OHS Act for the construction and engineering industries. By now you should have a handle on the actual regulations and what they mean for your construction works and you should have the correct safety practitioners registered with the SACPCMP as required.

So, this training course focuses on how to promote a safe system of work on a construction site and allows you to develop a comprehensive Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment (HIRA) programme which includes control procedures. A HIRA programme is a proven systematic approach that allows you to thoroughly examine all of the applicable work processes to accurately identify risks on a construction site. It then goes a step further and allows you to quantify the risks and specify work methods to either eliminate the hazards or to control and minimise the overall risks on any construction project.

So, using an actual construction-focused case study, this training course has been researched and developed to take you practically through the entire HIRA process from start to finish. By the end of this training course you will understand the theory as well as how to develop a HIRA programme to meet the requirements of the Construction Regulations and the OHS Act which will allow you to effectively manage workplace and safety hazards on any building site.

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