Simply put, project administration can make or break a project because it is the key to successfully maintaining control on any project. Many projects go off track because of a lack of effective project administration. And then you throw into the mix the fact that many senior Project Managers seem to think that the responsibility of the administration should simply be dumped in the lap of the nearest PA or Secretary (who already have a full workload), and you can see why and how things quickly go off track!
As the Project Administrator you are without a doubt the right hand to the Project Manager and if you aren’t then you should be!
But if you take a few minutes, sit back and think about all the projects and priorities you have on your plate right now, you will be forgiven if you feel a little overwhelmed.
And if like many Project Administrators, you are working very hard and you aspire to eventually move up the ladder and become a recognised Project Manager in your own right…then our Effective Project Administration training course is exactly what you need. In order to help you reach your goals we have researched and developed this 3-day training course that is jam-packed with tips, tools and strategies that will help you to take control of your workload, manage multiple projects and stay on top of priorities, deadlines and budgets. Effective Project Administration is presented using a balanced mixture of theory, discussions and practical sessions using real-life case studies.