Effective HR Records Management

With the volume of information continually increasing, some companies choose to spend a small fortune on state-of-the-art computerised HR records management systems whilst others prefer to rely on traditional paper-based systems…but no matter your preference (or budget) it is critical that you maintain accurate HR records, so that you can access the information records immediately as well as that you store and dispose of them properly when the time comes.

In truth, many companies have a rather lax and haphazard approach to records management.  HR Managers often ”hope” that they have it right…but let’s be honest…this kind of thinking just doesn’t make good business sense and can quite easily put your organisation in a tight spot both legally and financially. The HR department is the gateway to and the storage centre for all personnel files, employee records and relevant legal documents as well as any other information that you are expected to store, maintain, access or destroy.

The importance of effective HR records management really comes into focus when you consider that the CCMA recently reported a staggering 25% increase in their case load over the past 5 years. In almost two-thirds of these cases the employer had to pay the employee because the procedures followed were unfair and the disciplinary documentation was incorrect…so in the event of a CCMA hearing the right document can support your case and bring the process to a swift and favourable conclusion…but that is only if you have the right information and you can easily access it!

That is where this training course comes in.  In just 2-days we will show you how to create a comprehensive and fail-safe HR records management system that is tailored to the specific needs of your department and organisation.  You’ll learn why most HR records management systems fail but more importantly you will learn practical, ready-to-use techniques and time-saving tips that you can use as soon as you get back to your workplace.

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