Effective Credit Control and Collection Techniques

Accounts receivable is far too important for any business to ignore! Simply because for any goods and services sold, you need to get the cash in the bank as quickly as possible. Because if you don’t, you could severely cripple your cash flow and impact your bottom line. This 2-day Effective Credit Control and Collection Techniques training course will teach you how to quickly and easily collect debts – without losing your customers:

  •  Find out how to use your credit policies to your advantage
  •  Top tips for refreshing your current invoicing and billing processes – are your processes the reasons why you are waiting longer for your money?
  •  How to counter and disarm every excuse, dodge and delay tactic in the book
  •  30, 60 or 90 days past due – what do you have to do at every stage of the collection process?
  •  Proven tips to every day problems, how to get past the gate-keeper, track down missing debtors, broken promises and so much more
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