Dealing with Anger and Conflict in the Workplace

There are currently no stats available on anger and conflict management in the workplace for South Africa but if there were, I am sure they would be mind-blowing! But consider these stats: There is an average of 1.7 million violent incidences in the workplace in the USA every year. And in a recent survey 2 out of 3 managers said that they spent more than 10% of their time handling workplace conflict and a staggering 44% of managers spend more than 20% of their time on conflict-related issues.

So in short – anger and conflict in the workplace costs you money – lots of money! So, this is an issue that you have to take notice of, whether you think you have a problem or not as it can become a very expensive overhead item! Anger and conflict in the workplace are inevitable! This anger and conflict management in the workplace training course will show you how to effectively manage angry employees through those volatile situations.

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