You are accountable not only for the productive use of your manpower but additionally directly responsible for sustainable cost-effectiveness and uptime of your physical assets.
Plus your own dynamic work environment demands a clear focus on continuous asset health by ensuring that the equipment under your care contributes visibly to your company’s revenue base. The question is are you up to this challenge?
Do you have the skills and training to not only understand best practices in the context of asset management, but of even greater importance to successfully implement those same best practices?
Our engineering, maintenance and operations training courses have been researched and designed to go beyond the basics. To be quite frank you could spend thousands of Rands on books, CDs and training and still not master the skills you’ll gain when you attend our training courses. We are so confident about the quality of our training courses we can guarantee that they will be the single best training investment that you ever!
* Denotes that this course has been accredited with CPD Points/Hours. Please click on the name of the course for more info.
- Advanced Excel Skills Tips, Tricks and Techniques
- Finance for Engineers, Project & Technical Managers
- Leadership Skills for Maintenance Excellence
- Life Cycle Costing
- Maintenance Audit and Strategy Development
- Maintenance Planning and Scheduling for Improved Reliability and Uptime
- Powerful Presentation Skills for Engineers, Scientists & Technical Professionals
- Preventive Maintenance Programmes
- Root Cause Failure Analysis
- Supervisory Skills for the Maintenance Professional
- Technical Report Writing
But if you can’t find what you are looking for, please also visit the following sections on our website that also have topics that may be relevant to your industry.