Many public sector and private organisations undertaking construction work make use of the JBCC Suite of Contracts. However, the JBCC has largely been criticised for making too many changes over the years. It seems that just as you start to get comfortable and used to one set of changes, more changes are made which then lead to confusion, which ultimately lead to problems and claims!

The newly released JBCC Edition 6.2 is very different from the 5th Edition and all too often contracts are being entered into without any real understanding or care of how the new changes work in reality…so claims are starting to become a real problem for many JBCC users.

That is where our JBCC-focused training courses come in as they aim to provide clarity and detail on everything that you need to know about the JBCC Suite of Contracts in a fast-paced and plain-English way. Our courses are guaranteed to provide a whole new level of understanding to anyone that has to deal with and use the JBCC Suite of Contracts on a regular basis.

Our previous Course Participants have raved about our JBCC-focused courses for the simple fact that unlike other JBCC courses available in the market, ours take a completely unbiased view of using the JBCC Suite of Contracts in real-world construction situations.

In addition,  all of our JBCC-focused training courses offer CPD Points via SAICE and ECSA and some of them also offer CPD Hours with the SACPCMP and ASAQS and SACQSP and  CPD Credits from SAIAT and SACAP. 

* Denotes that this course has been accredited with CPD Points/Hours/Credits. Please click on the name of the course for more info.

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