Construction Regulations

Next Available Public Course Dates for the Construction Regulations Course
7 March 2025 – Online

Did you know that on average 2 construction workers die every week??

It is a sad reality that nearly every single month, there is a fatality on a building site somewhere in South Africa. And if you haven’t had a visit from an inspector yet – you will soon!

The Construction Regulations form part of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (Act 85 of 1993) and the revision of the Construction Regulations (Regulation 8) were promulgated on the 10th of February 2014. In a nutshell the aim of the Construction Regulations is to place legal responsibilities on all key stakeholders in the construction industry to address and radically improve health and safety issues on construction sites.

So what does this mean for you?

The Construction Regulations introduced the concept of a construction work-permit system for all projects over R120 million. So this means that now an application needs to be lodged with the Department of Labour 30 days before any construction work is actually undertaken. In addition  all health and safety construction professionals need to now be registered with the SACPCMP in one of the following three potential categories, namely as a construction health and safety manager, construction health and safety agent or construction health and safety officer.

The Construction Regulations have far-reaching implications for individual construction professionals and companies alike. You need to make sure that you are prepared but more importantly compliant with the Construction Regulations – you simply don’t have a choice.

So, if you have been considering or have decided that now is the time to get your staff up-to-speed with the issues relating to the Construction Regulations then our information-loaded, multi-CPD-accredited and recognised 1-day training course offers you the most cost effective and comprehensive solution to your training needs.

This training course has been designed to cover in detail exactly how this affects your business. You will leave this course with a whole new level of understanding of what you need to do to comply, how to apply the Construction Regulations in your company, how they will be enforced and a whole lot more!

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