One of the very first steps in controlling disputes and conflicts is to understand the nature of the construction dispute cycle. Disputes start with a problem and can develop into difference of opinion, which then tend to degenerate into disagreements, disputes and conflict that can often require the services of a lawyer or result in the worst case in actual court appearance, which waste valuable time and money…so this training course has been designed and developed to teach everything that you need to know in order to break the cycle and resolve problems early on before they get out of control.
This two-day Construction Dispute Resolution training course has been specifically designed to equip each and every Course Participant with a practical understanding and working knowledge of the contractual provisions and management mechanisms that are specified in each of the standard forms of construction contracts. And it will also cover in detail a range of best practices, problem solving tools, dispute & conflict control tools as well as real-time dispute resolution techniques.
Through interactive discussions we will explore using a series of factual case studies all of the issues surrounding conflict and dispute management procedures, prevention and resolution. You will leave this Construction Dispute Resolution training course with an appreciation as well as an understanding of the causes of conflict and disputes that often arise through the execution of construction projects. But more importantly you will learn how to break the cycle and help avoid and manage conflicts and disputes on construction projects in the future.