Introduction to Building Information Modelling (BIM)

Building Information Management or as it is better known, BIM has been a recognised term and in use throughout the construction industry for some time now. BIM is an intelligent, model-based process that allows multiple stakeholders, from Architects, to Engineers and every other stakeholder in the construction value chain to collaborate and build better buildings, faster!

But as we all know, technology is constantly evolving, and buildings are becoming more complex as Architects and Designers continue to push the boundaries of creativity and engineering. And this is where BIM steps in as it allows them to create a digital representation that clearly shows all of the physical and functional characteristics of the building, and this in turn allows all stakeholders a deeper level of insight and understanding into the project.

BIM as a concept is definitely here to stay and there are many BIM tools and products on the market and like anything, what you don’t know can hurt you. This is where this training course comes in. We don’t favour any particular BIM product or software, and this training course has been researched and designed to help all Course Participants to develop a better understanding of BIM and the role that it plays within the construction industry. You will leave this training course with a detailed understanding of where to start with BIM and how to use it to your advantage.

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