Alex Nortje
Leading Excel Specialist
Alex Nortje is a highly experienced and respected facilitator who specialises in training and consulting on a variety of topics across many industries but his expertise lies in the fields of finance, strategy, economics and accounting.
In addition to this extensive experience, he has spent an enormous amount of time over the years learning and using Excel across a variety of business environments and he says, “I became an Excel expert purely by accident, from its formulas, PivotTables and macros I have painstakingly gone through and learnt all about the tools, tips, and shortcuts that Excel has to offer in order to improve efficiency and productivity.”
Alex’s training methodology combines a series of exercises and practical sessions. His training philosophy is simple but effective as he believes that, “Excel-focused training is not just about teaching business professionals’ rote methods of executing Excel tasks, but more importantly it is to gain insight into what they are doing and how they could do it better. So, my material is packed with practical, ready-to-use techniques and time-saving tips that will help each Course Participant to fully exploit this powerful programme and ultimately accomplish a lot more every single time they use Excel.”