We assist thousands of people every year to meet their training needs with our training solutions. With a diverse Course Portfolio of over 175 courses in 19 different topic areas, all of our practical and hands-on training courses zero in on the most critical information and skills that you need to get ahead and stay there!
Over the years we have built a reputation for high-quality business focused training courses that cover every industry and sector. The reason why we have achieved this success is because we conduct market research with training decision-makers and develop each and every training course so that they are designed to meet the actual learning needs and skills gaps of your employees and your organisation.
All of our Course Leaders are subject matter experts in their particular areas of expertise. We continually evaluate our Course Leader effectiveness based on their ability to create a positive learning environment as well as their ability to transfer meaningful job-related skills to the Course Participants. As a result, Alusani Skills & Training Network’s® training is 100% guaranteed!
Click here if you would like to receive a copy of our current Course Portfolio
Quick Facts
- 100% Women Equity Owned with 51% Black Woman Ownership
- We have a Level 2 B-BBEE Rating and we are an Empowering Supplier in terms of Clause 3.3 (a) of the dti Codes of Good Practice
- We are registered on the CSD Website
- We have Full Accreditation status with the Services SETA
- We have applied for registration with DHET – File No 16/1/2/1/152 and are currently awaiting the outcome of our application
- We are about delivering the BEST training courses to the market
- We research, design and develop all of our training courses
- We hand-pick all of our highly qualified Course Leaders
- We are actively pursuing ways of increasing our procurement from BEE organisations
- We offer more multi-CPD-accredited training courses than any other provider in SA
- We are committed to the implementation of the principles of the Employment Equity Act
Our Approach
Our name says it all, Alusani® means ‘helping to build and grow’ in Tshivenda, and we believe that our training courses do just that! Our courses are not run-of-the-mill so we do things a little differently. We research, design and develop all of our training courses in great detail with one aim in mind – to help you take your career and your company to the next level.
Having this capability in-house allows us to pinpoint urgent skills gaps and design practical learning modules which are highly relevant to your working environment.
Our comprehensive portfolio of training courses are all focused on supporting you to grow the mix of your skills and knowledge in a well-balanced and meaningful way.
In order to support our approach we personally hand-pick all of our highly qualified Course Leaders; by using their practical experiences and expert knowledge we can guarantee that you are exposed to the very latest thinking and most innovative practices in business today.
Plus, not only are they subject matter experts but they all have extensive experience in applying adult learning methodologies which will prepare all Course Participants for real-world situations.
Click here if you would like to receive a copy of our current Course Portfolio
Business Code of Ethics
At Alusani Skills & Training Network® a commitment to ethical and professional conduct is expected of each and every Employee. Because of this expectation, all of our Employees are fully committed to upholding and safeguarding our reputation of good business ethics.
Our Business Code of Ethics also seeks to embody the spirit of our conduct and behaviour and we also believe in protecting the interests of our Course Participants and Clients at all times. Additionally, and in order to support this, the owners of Alusani Skills & Training Network® personally ensure that honesty, fairness and ethical standards govern each and every business transaction.
BEE & Women Equity Credentials
Driven by a team of highly experienced and passionate professionals with years of experience in the training arena; Alusani Skills & Training Network® is a truly empowered organisation with 100% Women Equity Owned and 51% Black Woman Ownership. We also believe that economic growth, development and empowerment are not only necessary but complementary processes.
Alusani Skills & Training Network® is a B-BBEE Level 2 compliant company and we are an Empowering Supplier in terms of Clause 3.3 (a) of the dti Codes of Good Practice. This means that if you use Alusani® for your training needs you will be able to claim 125% B-BBEE procurement recognition.
Are You Registered on the CSD?
We are registered on the Central Supplier Database for Government. Our Supplier Number is MAAA0001732.
Employment Equity
As an equal opportunity employer we strive to reflect the demographics of our country in all of our recruitment processes. We are also fully committed to the principles of the Employment Equity Act and Skills Development Act and are committed to the ongoing training and development our own team.
Our available training delivery options
At Alusani Skills & Training Network® we believe that the end result of any training or learning intervention should show a significant return on investment, whether it is increased performance, profitability or efficiencies. But no matter what option you choose, you will receive excellent customer service but more importantly you will receive the most in-depth, up-to-date and practical training available anywhere in Southern Africa.
About our public training courses
Our public training courses provide a quick and easy way for an individual or a small team to get up-to-speed on specific issues. We have a detailed and regularly updated Training Schedule and all of our public courses are run throughout the year and they are held in professional training facilities across the length and breadth of Southern Africa. These courses are open to all and this offers you a fantastic opportunity to meet and learn together with like-minded individuals.
About our onsite/in-house training options
This option provides a more economic and convenient training solution. For 8 or more of your colleagues, Alusani Skills & Training Network® will bring any of our training courses from our diverse portfolio to your organisation.
Our training courses can be supplied off-the-shelf or they can be customised to meet the unique needs of your team. Our proven training solutions are used by private and public entities of all sizes and we know how to make this training option work for you.
All of our Corporate Account Executives are uniquely qualified to help you and they take all of the guesswork and worrying out of the equation.
About our Flexible Format Training Solutions
Let’s be honest, many companies are feeling the pinch as they are required to maintain or improve performance while at the same time cutting resources. Your employees are being asked to take on more and more responsibility and to take on an ever increasing amount of new projects and to simply get more done with less time, money and resources. These pressures mean that their need for professional development and training is at an all time high, but in reality your employees ability to take the time out of a busy work week to learn the skills that they so desperately need to succeed is at an all time low!
Because of these demands, we have recognised that you, our customers need more flexibility and that is why we have developed our Flexible Format training solutions. Most of our training courses are 2 or 3-days in length and this can often be time that busy employees simply can’t spare. Also if the thought of getting by without your entire team even for a day makes you cringe, we can tailor-make an onsite training solution that suits your specific needs.
By narrowing the focus of these courses to a few key and highly relevant business concepts, we are able to provide you with a half-day or 1-day onsite training solution that gives you a potent and concentrated blast of practical knowledge that your employees can take back and start to apply immediately on the job.
For more information about our time-friendly Flexible Format Training Solutions, please email Imogen Tarita – imogen@alusani.co.za or call on +27 11 447 7470.
Pre-Course Preparation & Post-Course Support – Unique to Alusani®
Probably the most important phase in the development of your employees is how their new knowledge and skills are implemented once they are back in the workplace. Unfortunately, there are very few training providers that consider this aspect of the entire training spectrum and they prefer instead to only limit post-course dialogue to further sales opportunities!
From our experience in the training provision and skills development arena, we believe that the learning experience should extend beyond the time in the actual classroom – including both pre-course learning preparation and post-course learning reinforcement processes. Alusani Skills & Training Network® offers confidential one-on-one pre-course communication with all Course Participants via email in order to gauge their interests & skills gaps, and pinpoint specific customisation needs.
This pre-course communication further helps Course Participants to prepare and develop a positive attitude towards participating in the course. And our commitment to our Course Participants does not simply end when the course finishes.
We realise that all of our training courses cover vast subject areas, and inevitably questions will arise after the training course. The typical post-course experience involves Course Participants returning to the workplace stressed by the missed work time and faced with emails overflowing in their inbox. The course manual often gets put on the shelf and rarely gets opened again. In order to really help with the transition and implementation of the course learnings, Alusani Skills & Training Network® offers Post-Course Support.
In the standard format, our Post-Course Support takes the form of monthly emails for 12 months after the course which include reminders about specific course content, bonus material or email access to Course Leader to clarify specific course content.
Our Webinar Library Is Included As Part Of Post-Course Support – Exclusive To Our Course Participants Only
As an addition to our Post-Course Support we have also introduced a Webinar Library. The Webinars are all topic-driven and they are pre-recorded but you will have a chance to follow – via your office PC/laptop – the online presentation with a variety of our expert Course Leaders.
The Webinars are exclusive to past Course Participants of Alusani Skills & Training Network® courses only. Please note that access to our Webinar Library link is not transferable to non-Course Participants. Access is given for 3 months after you have attended any of our training courses.